Stuffed fish balls
Stuffed fish balls

Select products
Carrageenan | Konjac Harina | Keratin | TGasa | Xanthan Gum
Application description
This product is made from naturally purified konjac gum, it has properties such as high gel content, high viscosity, high strength, good adhesion, irreversibility; it can improve the freeze-thaw resistance of starch, effectively improve the water retention capacity of the product. The addition of product also increases final product's elasticity, tenderness and smoothness, reduces the use of raw meat, and the finished product is easy to float and it's texture is not affected after cooking for prolong period of time.

Application advantages
Improve the freezing-thawing resistance of starch and water retaining property of products
Improve the elasticity, tenderness and taste of products
Improve the appearance and boiling fastness of products and make it easier for the finished products to float
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